Markentry USA Partner

President of Positioning Systems, the first consultancy boutique in Spain and Europe specialized in Competitive Positioning & Brand Engineering (The branding & differentiation thinkers)
Partner of Trout & Partners, Worldwide Pioneers in Positioning and co-founder of the consulting boutiques network created, in 1996, by Jack Trout (1935-2017) with affiliates in 16 Countries.
Senior Advisor of FutureBrand España (Grupo McCann Erikson).
He has managed projects in Spain and MERCOSUR and has collaborated with Trout & Partners in projects for multinationals of USA, China and other countries. Some of its main clients: Asoliva (Olive Oil Exporters Association), Crèdit Andorrà Group, Banco Santander, CDTI, Bodegas Benjamin de Rothschild & Vega Sicilia, Cerámica Saloni, European Commission (EU), Compudata / MultiScan, Amanco Group, CUPA Group; Gestamp / Gonvarri Group, Leading Brands of Spain Forum, Avina Foundation, Iberia, ICEX (Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade), MediaPost Group; Mondragón Corp. Coop., Nunhems Seeds (Bayer Group), OMT (World Tourism Organization-United Nations), Pyrénées Andorra, Repsol, Telefónica, TourSpain.
- Author of The KICS Principle (Keep It Competitive, Stupid) Editorial Urano-Empresa Activa (Barcelona-2012); translated into Portuguese (Editorial Sinais de Fogo (Lisbon); KDP-Amazon (USA)
- Winner of the XII Essay Award 2009-Madrid Entrepreneurs Circle, with The International Image of Spain and its Competitiveness, basis of the book The Positioning of the Spain Brand (Editorial Pirámide-2010)
- He is the co-author of the Spanish versions of the Jack Trout books, Positioning, Marketing Warfare, Bottom up Marketing, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, The new Positioning, The power of the simple, Big Brands, Big Troubles Trout on strategy according (McGraw-Hill Editorial 1992-2008) and Differentiate or Die, In search of the Obvious, Repositioning (Editorial Pirámide 2011-2012)
- Main author of the Leading Brands of Spain -History of 79 globally renowned Spanish brands (Spanish, English and Japanese versions) and Leading Brands of Spain-Food & Drinks (Ed. ICEX -2003 and 2005)
- 1992 Evaluator and Reviewer of Commercial Merit Projects in R & D & I European Comission (EU)
- 1986 to 1988- Deputy Director of International Promotion of the INI (National Institute of Industry) State owned Business Corporation of Spain
- 1981 to 1985- INI Delegate in the Southern Cone of America – Residence in Buenos Aires
- 1975 to 1981 – CEO of ABENGOA S.A. Venezuela and Panama- Residence in Caracas
Since 1986 Professor in business schools in Spain and LATAM, and Speaker.