Year-end checklist and tax planning for US subsidiaries

Year-end checklist and tax planning for US subsidiaries

Laws and regulations
Introduction Entering the last few days of the year, it is important to review as a "checklist" some aspects of a tax or regulatory nature that should not be forgotten and that affect all US companies regardless of their size and whether or not they make a profit. Some of them are especially relevant for subsidiaries of international companies or companies owned by residents of other countries. Neglecting these obligations can lead to penalties, fines, costs and headaches that could have easily been avoided. This often occurs after the creation of new companies in the US, a process described in detail in our free guide.We review the most important aspects in this article. Year-end checklist Here are some tasks that should be completed before the end of the year: Review the company's…
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How to understand US cultural differences impacting your business: Hofstede’s 6-D model

How to understand US cultural differences impacting your business: Hofstede’s 6-D model

By Sheena Liang For any international executive trying to do business in the United States, one of the main challenges is learning to navigate cultural differences between this country and his or her country of origin. They can be subtle sometimes but can have an enormous impact on multiple activities including hiring and managing employees, selling, negotiating contracts, and many others. In this article, we present one of the most widely used models for the understanding of cultural differences and use it to identify the most relevant ones when comparing the United States and several other countries. It has been improved over more than 50 years through extensive research. The 6-D model, or Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory – describes the relationship between culture, society, and individuals. This model was originally developed…
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Important news about immigration to the US

Important news about immigration to the US

On February 24, President Biden signed a Proclamation in which he cancelled some of the limitations on immigration imposed by the previous president Trump. Essentially, the impact of this order is to revoke the following restrictions: Presidential Proclamation 10014 of April 22, 2020, which established a general suspension of the issuance of new immigrant visas (understood as permanent residence permits or 'Green Cards'), with some exceptions.Section 1 of the Presidential Proclamation 10052 of June 22, 2020, which extended the previous one until December 31 2020Section 1 of the Presidential Proclamation 10131 of December 31, 2020, which extended the previous one until March 31 2021Therefore,  the door opens again for the issuance of new permanent residence permits or 'Green Cards' for people who meet the associated requirements. It is important to note that…
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10 keys for successful ‘networking’ of foreigners in the USA

10 keys for successful ‘networking’ of foreigners in the USA

By Gonzalo Garcia, Founder and CEO of Markentry USA Introduction Sonia Sotomayor, Justice of the US Supreme Court, was the first Hispanic to reach that position. As she said in her book 'My beloved World':Sometimes, idealistic people are put off the whole business of networking as something tainted by flattery and the pursuit of selfish advantage. But virtue in obscurity is rewarded only in Heaven. To succeed in this world you have to be known to people. I have just completed 18 years of professional career in the USA, 2 thirds of the total. During this time, I have continually faced the challenges encountered by people from different cultures and whose native language is not English. I have had the opportunity to deal with all kinds of people, including billionaire…
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USA: Status of international travel bans and immigration suspension

USA: Status of international travel bans and immigration suspension

By Gonzalo Garcia, Founder and CEO of Markentry USA CONTENIDOS 1. Introduction2. International travel bans3. Immigration suspension4. Availability of international flights5. Do travel bans make any sense?6. Forecast7. Conclusion7. Conclusión  1. Introduction The global crisis caused by COVID-19 has created countless problems for foreigners who resided or planned to reside in the United States and did not have US citizenship or permanent residence ("Green Card"), as well as for the companies that employed them or planned to. Immigration restrictions and travel bans imposed suddenly and unilaterally by the US administration in recent months have created situations of all kinds. It is difficult to estimate the number of people residing in the United States who have been indefinitely blocked outside the country, away from their families, their homes and their jobs. Those…
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The Conquest of America: 10 Keys to Success in US Market Entry

The Conquest of America: 10 Keys to Success in US Market Entry

By Gonzalo García, Founder and CEO of Markentry USA Introduction The US is a market of more than 328 million people that generates about a quarter of the world's gross domestic product. Hispanics are already the largest minority, with 17% of the population, which makes this market even more attractive to companies from Spain and Latin America. Success in this country can be a turning point in the development of any company.The Cosentino Group, producer and distributor of surfaces for architecture and design, was created from a small marble producer company founded in Almería, Spain in the 1940s. Today, more than half of its sales come from the US market, where its workforce exceeds 1,000 employees.After 16 years of work experience in the US, largely leading or advising internationalization projects, I…
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